factors that put customers

Factors that put customers off your store | TransPacific Software Pvt. Ltd.

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Factors that put customers off your e-store

Site appears insecure for on-line Transaction (no certifications, no BBB accreditation)

Technical Glitches on the site (page not found or spits out ugly code)

Insufficient images and product information (can't make out if it is an apple or a cherry)

Difficult to use shopping cart (you just added an item but it disappeared as you left your computer to attend a phone call)

Checkout form too long and time consuming (when will it end?)

Poorly-designed website ( only works on 6.101 version of Internet explorer )

Slow website ( can have a quick nap as page loads)

Lack of customer reviews and feedback (hum.. am I the first one to buy this?)

Insufficient delivery options

Too many consumer complaints on consumer grievance sites like www.RipoffReport.com and pissedconsumer.com

Googing or Binging show up negative reviews on page one

No guest checkout option

Return and privacy policy not stated

payment gateway down (No not again)

Your copy right statement has no updated year. Example in 2012 it reads © All Rights Reserved 2009

Talk to TransPacific Software about your e-commerce needs [email protected]

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